About Us
YFC Prince George is part of the broader Youth for Christ family. YFC is an international, non-denominational Christian ministry. Youth for Christ Canada is structured as an association of Chapter ministries, each receiving their Charter from the National Office of YFC Canada in Langley, BC. Each of the 37 Chapters has an independent Board of Directors and has achieved Charitable Status through the offices of the Canada Revenue Agency in Ottawa. Each Chapter is led by an Executive Director who is recruited and employed by the Chapter's Board.

Our Mission
YFC Prince George aims to see the young people of Prince George and its surrounding communities discover their God-given value and potential. We do this by caring for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Our Vision
Our desire is to see empowered youth who are transformed by hope become empowered adults.
YFC Prince George programs are open to all youth regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, or mental or physical ability.