Meet Our Executive Board
Christa Porter
Executive Board Chair
I’ve served as the Board Chair for YFC PG since February 2023. After being a supporter for several years, I joined the team to support governance and growth for our Chapter.
My two teenage sons attend YFC programs, and my husband is a high school teacher working with students who need extra support. I’ve been involved in Parent Advisory Councils, serving and closely following School District 57 for over 10 years. I know that
many students aren’t getting enough support at home or school to thrive during their teenage developmental years. I’ve seen the wonderful work of the breakfast
team at Duchess Park Secondary School and the partnerships that we have with Ness Lake Bible Camp and the Youth Ministerial to have monthly outreach programs.
Most of all, I support YFC’s “community” youth groups and centres in Prince George, Mackenzie, and McBride as a place for kids to belong and grow in their knowledge of Jesus. At YFC, I see our staff trained in youth ministry and credentialed within YFC/Youth Unlimited Canada. They have suicide intervention skills and access to resources for teens including Spectrum and other community services. It’s exciting to see momentum in our ministry with more board members, a new Executive Director, and additional staff joining us. I am pleased to see the young people coming through our doors and being impacted by our efforts. The potential is huge!
I look forward to continuing this work for the Lord’s kingdom through our Chapter. Reach out to connect with the board
anytime you have questions, ideas, or resources to support our work. God bless!

Josiah Barton
Executive Board Member
I joined the board in 2024 after hearing about a need for board members. As a former YFC missionary who worked in Prince George with at-risk-youth for nearly ten years, and a former Chaplain at the Prince George Youth Custody Centre, I care deeply about the mission of YFC.
I am passionate about my faith in Jesus Christ. I serve in a variety of ministries with my wife and son at Garden City Church, and love to take the time to talk with people about God and be a mentor to youth and young adults exploring their faith. I am trained in Spiritual Direction and bring that training into many of my conversations about God. I am passionate about good coffee, good tobacco, and good conversations; and will happily talk your ear off about theology, early church literature, war history, B-rated movies, or a variety of entertaining anecdotes.
Karissa Stevens
Executive Board Member
I have been serving on the YFC PG Board since 2018, having previously been a staff member before the Lord called me elsewhere. I have worked in youth ministry for quite a few years and over the years it has remained clear that youth need consistent and readily available opportunities to be built into by adults who care.
YFC PG, Mackenzie and Robson Valley have missionaries who truly care about the youth in their communities and desire to see these youth flourish spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Having worked in the YFC organization and now being a board member, I have seen that YFC Canada is an amazing organization that understands youth culture and is continually seeking to remain relevant in the way they holistically care for youth and young people across Canada. These values and programs are seen implemented here in Northern BC as well through programs such as Spectrum, school breakfasts, drop ins and community youth groups. May all the glory be given to God for the work that is being done and will be done here in Northern BC!